The development of China’s new energy industry

Nowadays, energy has decided to become a important factor in a country’s level of economic and social development. With the fast development of China, the energy company became more bigger;Along with economic development and social progress, people strengthen unceasingly to the energy,so the energy industry in China will be growing.In the past two decades, China has kept a rapidly growth of economy, but at the same time it faces the serious energy and environment problem.

   1.The lack of core technology 

The using of some clean energy as wind power, water power and solar energy has became the focus to many countries, also China; and China is now the first big solar cell production.But there are serious shortages in the aspect of research and development products and investment in science and technology.Wind and solar power is the main energy of development of China; In these two areas, however, because there is no capacity for independent innovation and technology research and development platform, at resent, the development of new energy is more and more become the important restriction factor.

2.Lack of output channels

China is a country covering vast territory, sharing cross-border rivers with many neighboring countries but energy output is facing a huge problem. The most big energy production areas are concentrated distribution in northwest China,instead, in the south of China is where need theses energy.A lot of energy have been manufacturing deficiency can’t transfer out in a timely manner, this leads to a large amount of energy wasted .

 3.Chaos in the market pricing 

The Chinese people there is the deviation of the perception of new energy,so for the price of energy also hold different opinions.This makes some new energy companies face enormous challenges on pricing , if the price is too high people will still choose the energy which they use before.

For the development of China’s new energy, I think the government should formulate more detailed plan. First of all should develop energy research and development center, to use of natural resources to produce more new products.Second should be established in urban planning of energy output channel, in the key cities for construction energy output pipe and also channels to expand .Of course to the popularization of knowledge of energy is also a very important part of development energy industry.


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